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Campaigns - 2022

Rebellion in the Rim - 2.0

Game: Star Wars: Armada

Start Date: April 30th, 2022


The Gist

Fantasy Flight Games Rebelloon in the Rim Campaign released this expansion set on March 28, 2019 here

The Scene

The group has decided to rekindle fond memories of our stalled Corellian Conflict Campaign of Summer 2019. Same players, but a new mix as D is leaving Team Imp for the Rebel Scum - good luck with that. Joining the good guys (from a certain point of veiw) is S - welcome!


As Commander of the Imperial Faction I know we have inspiring firepower and options, but the Rebel Alliance from past expeirences can spam with heavy bombers. Campaign updates will begin with the start date and continue as played. 

The Meta

Ship Management is Key - As a dial-based movement system it takes some experience in knowing how to manage your options for bigger ships. When it gets to three (or more) dials of future predictions, you really need to understand the flight pattern of not only your own ships, but those of your opponent. 


Fleet Cooperation is the bigger scene - In campaigns like Rebellion, having a 3 versus 3 set-up provides many more possibilities for potential opponents. It's essential to design your own fleet with the bigger picture of overall grand fleet design in mind. Ensuring that all situations can be covered by someone's fleet mitigates the enemy running away with a scenario (which I think is really the focus of this game in a check-counter-check type of strategy) when choosing to block their run at planet objectives.


The End of Turn Battles are Fun, But Think Long-Game - Having those larger 3 versus 3 end-of-round battles is what we all want. However, this is about the long-term blocking of your enemy and acquisition of resources for your side. By round two if you have taken the time to build your fleets as a composite group, the results of your potentially slower start shows up as a snowballing effect of card and squadron upgrades that the other side cannot match.


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